Tuesday, September 24, 2013

H2O2: a suggested schedule for your hydrogen peroxide therapy!

Madison Cavanaugh in her book the "The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases" outlines the possible uses of H2O2, the history of its use by doctors and explains the mechanisms by which H2O2 effectively helps human immune system fight a number of diseases that plague people. (she even includes alcoholism as one of them!)

The book can be be bought online at most major bookstores:
amazon : <search amazon for Madison Cavanaugh>

I really suggest that anyone interested in H2O2 should buy this book and read it before engaging in treatment, since it has a wealth of information that is not only helpful, but also necessary.

Mrs Cavanaugh suggests the following protocol for therapy:

Note: 6-8 ounces of water equals about 180-250ml (one full glass) of water.

She goes on to say:
"The table on the previous page provides a suggested schedule for your hydrogen peroxide therapy  Each dose takes less than 1 minute to administer. Use only distilled water to dilute hydrogen peroxide; do not use water that has been chlorinated. The drops should be diluted in 6 to 8 ounces of water.
When you have completed the 23-day regimen in the table, gradually decrease the dosage by one drop a day until you get to the maintenance dose of 3 drops (diluted in 6-8 ozs of distilled water) 3 times a day. This suggested protocol is based on years of experience and success stories from thousands of users.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide is very inexpensive (approximately $13 for a 16 oz. bottle). Therefore, the main- tenance dose of 3 drops in water 3 times a day will cost only 11⁄2 cents per day, and the maximum dose of 25 drops in water 3 times a day will cost only 12 cents per day.
If you have a serious condition, you may wish to try taking 25 drops three times daily for one to three weeks during the beginning portion of the maintenance phase before tapering down to 25 drops two times per day for up to six months. Otherwise, you can reduce the maintenance schedule to between 5 and 15 drops based on how you are feeling."
The list of diseases is equally impressive:

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