Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"The Truth about Hydrogen Peroxide", free pdf by James Paul Roguski

"The Truth about Hydrogen Peroxide" is a Free PDF e-book that was assembled by James Paul Roguski, and that outlines the basic story about the healing properties of H2O2, and its countless uses.

Feel free to download it from here: http://cl.ly/020z431N231w


  1. i appreciate this precious info,,, thank you,,, just a question ,,, i have some bridges in my mouth,, is it ok to use peroxide as a mouth wash,,, i have gingivitis,,, or what do you suggest ,, thanking you,,, my mail is


    1. Food grade h2o2 is also used to sterilize dental equipment. Just be sure to dilute it down to 3%. Rinse 3 times a day and say good riddance to your gingivitis. I suggest, if I may, to also do the ''one minute cure'' routine on top of the rinse. That ''one minute cure'' pdf can be found online for free.

    2. Food grade h2o2 is also used to sterilize dental equipment. Just be sure to dilute it down to 3%. Rinse 3 times a day and say good riddance to your gingivitis. I suggest, if I may, to also do the ''one minute cure'' routine on top of the rinse. That ''one minute cure'' pdf can be found online for free.
